Nuchal scan

Nuchal translucency is determined by ultrasound examination performed at 11-13.5 weeks of gestational age. This examination offers an opportunity to assess the risks for development of Down syndrome, as well as Edwards and Patau syndroms.

Detailed examination

During this examination detailed examination of fetus takes place. Also, confirmation of fetal cardiac activity, examination of fetal head, body and extremities, assessment of placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid are carried out.

Risk assessment

This study enables us to evaluate the risks associated with the development of Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome. To identify Down syndrome among pregnant women in the high-risk category, a comprehensive test known as the "Combined Test" is employed. This test incorporates the ultrasound measurement of neck fold thickness, along with assessments of beta chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels and pregnancy-associated plasma protein "PAPP-A" levels.

Highest accuracy

The "Combined Test" should be conducted between the 11th and 13.5th weeks of pregnancy. This test, factoring in the mother's age, enables us to estimate the risk of Down syndrome with a 95% accuracy level.

Conditions for conduction of the examination

• The study is conducted between the 11th and 13.5th weeks of pregnancy.
• In the majority of instances, the study is conducted through a transabdominal approach. However, in certain cases, a transvaginal method might be required for the study.

The risk for each woman is calculated on an individual basis, considering the following factors:

  • Mother's age
  • Nuchal translucency thickness
  • Presence of nasal bone
  • Fetal heart rate
  • Blood flow through the tricuspid valve of the fetal heart
  • Blood flow through the ductus venosus in the fetal liver
  • Presence or absence of various physical anomalies
  • Presence of two hormones, beta chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), and an associated protein "PAPP-A," in the maternal blood
  • Assessment of fetal viability

  • Determination of multifetal pregnancy.

  • Determination of gestational age

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information, see the above information or contact us 
